Arco E-mail Processor

Arco E-mail Processor

Ensure your whole team benefits from a tidy inbox with a centralised email platform that will automatically and quickly process all e-mails.

Smart functionalities

Intelligent sorting

The E-mail Processor scans and organises all incoming emails and attachments, automatically directing each to the correct service, workflow or application. This prevents cluttered inboxes, e-mail loss and unnecessary delays.

Ultra fast e-mail processing

All incoming e-mails are handled automatically, with approximately only 4 out of 1000 e-mails will need human handling. Unwanted e-mails and spam are automatically deleted.

Response templates

Reply to frequent e-mails quickly and easily with Arco’s extensive template database. Automatically link templates to specific e-mails, questions, complaints or requests.

Tailored to your needs

Tailor your e-mail management to your business operations with easily adjustable settings. Arco guarantees flawless integration with all existing workflows, systems and software (ERP, CRM, OPS…).

Comprehensive features

Manage all e-mails from a single location with convenient features such as automated attachment processing, workflow integration, customisable black and white lists, response templates, reminders and legal archiving.

Invoice expert

The E-mail Processor automatically detects invoices in attachments, scans them with intelligent OCR technology and instantly directs them to the appropriate approval flow or accounting software.

Manual review

E-mails and attachments that are not recognised by the OCR scanning technology are placed in a separate folder for later processing, in which case you receive an automatic notification.

User friendly

The application has an intuitive design and is available in multiple languages, making it easy for your team to get started quickly. A clear overview allows for careful monitoring of all communication.

Effortless compliance & advanced security

Arco ensures peace of mind. All our software and applications comply with Belgian and European legislation, ISO standards, eIDAS and GDPR requirements. We safeguard your valuable business information through data storage in Arco Doma. Our cloud meets the international OWASP standards.

You are in safe hands

You can count on our team to provide extensive support, from the initial setup to ongoing assistance. As your single point of contact, your personal account manager is always available to provide personalised advice and in-depth follow-up. Our helpdesk will happily assist with any urgent problems or questions.

Streamline all communication

Embrace the freedom to digitalise and automate exactly the way you want to. Our modular solutions come with unparalleled flexibility. You set the course, Arco handles the rest.