Digital solutions for telecom and utilities

Digital solutions for telecom and utilities

Improve customer service through consistent and fast communication, while boosting your efficiency with automated workflows and document management. A modest investment with significant returns.

Smart total solutions with high impact

Telecom and utility companies are faced with large volumes of documents and a large influx of customer communications that must be processed quickly and accurately. Arco develops smart tools that allow you to efficiently follow up all complaints, questions and notifications and streamline all document management. This way you reduce the workload for your team and promote smooth cooperation.

How can we help you?

E-invoicing for telecom and utilities

Starting from 2026, e-invoicing will become the new digital standard for many Belgian businesses. As a pioneer in e-invoicing and certified Peppol Access Point, Arco guarantees a seamless transition, fast activation and access to a broad network of partners.  

Automatic mail processing

Efficiently handle all inquiries, reports and complaints by digitalising and automating your customer correspondence. Our Mail Manager ensures that all paper mail, e-mail and web forms are automatically scanned with intelligent OCR technology, sorted and directed to the correct workflow or linked to automatic response templates. Create a consistent customer experience with streamlined communication.

Streamline your internal workflows

Arco helps you translate complex business processes into simple and automated workflows. This accelerates the registration, classification and monitoring of customer notifications and internal communication. Make the complex straightforward and reclaim your time!

Exchange data in real time

Web portals are the ideal solution for easily sharing invoices, payslips and contracts with both customers and employees. They allow for continuous access to all relevant information, deadlines and documents, resulting in smoothly organised document management and improved teamwork.

Invoice automation

Eliminate manual data entry tasks by automatically scanning and processing all your invoices. Through flexible workflows, each invoice reaches the right department or person, and all essential data is directly integrated into your existing accounting system. This not only reduces the risk of errors, but it also facilitates fast approval and payment of invoices.

Integration with your trusted software packages

Through sustainable partnerships with leading software companies, we can ensure seamless integration of our software with all your existing systems. We want you to benefit from our digital solutions while continuing to use the software you know and trust. Forget about any hassle with an easy activation and accessible training for the entire team.

Digital tools for a simpler life

With over 30 years of experience, Arco understands the unique challenges within the telecom and utilities industry. Our customised solutions are designed to meet your specific needs. Leveraging in-depth knowledge and expertise, we craft relevant solutions that simplify your daily operations.